My sister Linda may be the most outstanding nurse on Planet Earth. (She is shown at right on her son's arm at his recent wedding. His dad, Linda's husband, walks alongside.) I've decided to start listening to her. It's silly to disregard the advice of a fantastic coach!!!
She suggeest some changes to my diet. These changes include:
- Morning shake with skim milk, three tablespoons of flax seed, and a cup of blueberries
- 10 almonds or walnuts (more than that in one day is a diet buster)
- Substitute egg whites for whole eggs.
- Brisk, low imact exercise each day
- A baby aspirin each day
I think it is funny that this all makes such good common sense and yet it is so profound on so many levels after such a long period of neglect. Better late than never.
I see the doc tomorrow and we are going to review a plan for betterness ... I feel great ... better will be awesome!!!
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