There is a part of me that has been waiting for a magic "click" that would make weight loss an easy thing to accomplish, make me immune to temptation, and make exercise a natural part of the day. I lost 65 pounds a couple of years ago and managed to maintain my present weight, but I'm still a long way from my ideal weight.
The magic click is possible ... I heard it 10 years ago when I was smoking a pack of cigarettes a day. On June 1, 1998 my mother was diagnosed with lung cancer. I heard the click that day and ceased that awful habit forever.
I heard the click again this week and I am fully confident that I will reach my ideal weight in 2008 and maintain that weight forevermore. I am very excited! Here's the story:
Monday: I attended Joeann Fossland's Relax and Attract teleseminar based on the Law of Attraction. We are working with a 30-Days-to-Turn-Your-Life-Around workbook. Joeann is offering a free download of the book at the registration page ... it's worth a click! I worked with this book a bit following a business planning retreat in Hawaii, but did not finish the work and I did not focus on weight previously.
Tuesday: I commenced Day One of the program. There is a "Placemat Exercise" that asks, "What I intend to do" and "For the Universe to handle." This exercise gave me some trouble the last time I worked with this program. The following is a copy of an e-mail exhchange that followed the first class:
Fran: "This was a very good call … quite interesting… still don’t quite get that give-it-to-the-Universe thing. Stumps me every time."
Joeann: "Are there any parts of your life you'd envision differently ( perhaps weight, the web tech situation..those kinds of things)? Intentionally asking the universe to handle it can get it handled without you needing to pay attention.
Fran: LOL …I am happy to let the Universe handle the sucky tech issues. Good idea!!! Weight is definitely in MY column.
Joeann: Hmmm...what if it wasn't?
Fran: That would be called “denial.”
Joeann: OK, that is one possible way of looking at it, but is it working? It feels sorta upstream. What if letting go that it is your job and giving the universe the instruction of how you envision it in a perfect world. I love today's quote...
Fran: "Where is that quote? I’ll bookmark the web site. I’ll take your advice and turn the weight thing over to the Universe … The Universe can’t screw it up any more than I have. call it a leap of faith …"
Joeann: "The quote I was referring to was the Day 1 quote from Abraham. 'The Universe can’t screw it up any more than I have.' (This sounds a little upstream!!!!)"
Following this e-mail exchange I put the word "weight" on the line marked "For the Universe to handle." What happened after that stunned me. I heard the click! I have a new consciousness about every morsel of food that I place in my mouth! I have renewed energy! I am walking more, and I am FEELING thinner. I puzzled about these things last night and here is my conclusion:
The Universe is perfect. We let perfection rule that part of the day that we subordinate to the care of the Universe. We become partners with Perfection!
I think that I am going to start turning more things over to the Universe!
Although I've never met you face to face, I do in fact care about you very much. And it saddens me deeply that despite assurances from the people you believe you can trust, you are nonetheless being lied to every single day.
Sandy Romeo
Internet Marketing
Posted by: sandy romeo | September 27, 2008 at 04:17 PM