President Bill Clinton is shown at left with children in Harlem during a recent event launching a campaign to reduce childhood obesity levels. The former President's Clinton Foundation is partnering with the American Heart Assn. in an effort to curb and reduce obesity. President Clinton says that he wants to make sure all children are healthy and reverse the growing rate of obesity in the United States. Today, more than twice as many children – and almost three times as many teens – are overweight as in 1980, according to a trimmer, more fit Bill Clinton. The foundation site has an excellent video (48 minutes) that is excellent, educational. viewing. The clip features Bill Clinton, Republican Governer Huckabee of Arkansas (who recently lost 110 pounds), educators, and leaders of the AHA.
The foundation will work with educators to expand students' horizons about making good lifestyle decisions, eating good nutrition, and exercising. It will encourage schools to remove vending machines from elementary schools or stock them with healthy snacks instead of the unhealthy fare many machines now offer. The group will also launch initiatives to drive food companies and the fast food industry to offer healthier choices. They point out that food industry growth is in the healthy food market.