Leaders from states with strong predatory mortgage lending laws joined the Center for Responsible Lending to send a clear message to Congress: Any federal bill must not roll back state laws that protect citizens from predatory mortgage lenders. A Ney-Kanjorski bill pending in Congress and supported by much of the lending industry would gut existing state laws. Another bill, sponsored by Reps. Miller and Watt of North Carolina and Barney Frank of Massachusetts, is supported by consumers and civil rights groups, and would let states keep strong laws and protect their consumers. Click here for a side-by-side comparison.
The National Assn. of REALTORS® joined CRL to design a Shopping for a Mortgage? Do Your Homework First. NAR policy wonks opine: "The Watt-Miller-Frank bill (H.R. 1182) would make the Home Ownership and Equity Protection Act stronger and does not preempt state law. The sponsors are all Democrats, which makes House action unlikely." We're hoping that NAR will send some of its talented lobbyists to round up some Republicans to co-sponsor this bill and make this a bipartisan effort for financial security.
New Mexico Chief Deputy Attorney General Mr. Bluestone of New Mexico said:
"Two years ago, New Mexico passed a progressive Home Loan Protection Act in response to an alarming rise in abusive mortgage lending practices and home foreclosures. Too many homeowners were losing home equity because dishonest lenders rolled points and fees into mortgage loans and did so repeatedly through abusive refinances. New Mexico’s new law stops these abuses, but now Congress proposes in the Ney-Kanjorski bill to usurp our state’s ability to protect our homeowners. That bill would gut our new effective law, install in its place a weak federal standard and prevent us from adequately protecting our residents from lending abuses."
Massachusetts Rep. John F. Quinn warned:
"The passage of the Ney-Kanjorski bill would do irreparable damage to the protections afforded to consumers under the newly enacted anti-predatory lending law in Massachusetts. This bill is bad public policy and would weaken the ability of the states to protect consumers from unscrupulous lenders."
New Jersey Banking Director H. Robert Tillman said New Jersey’s law both protected consumers and preserved the marketplace for sub-prime mortgages, where people with imperfect credit borrow and where most predatory lenders operate:
"Our well-balanced law significantly reduces predatory lending…It appears that our state banks and licensed lenders have prepared for the new law and have helped create a more competitive market," said Executive Vice President Debbie Goldstein of the Center for Responsible Lending, a nonprofit that combats predatory lenders. "Rather than preserve and strengthen state and federal protections for homeowners, the Ney-Kanjorski bill wipes out state anti-predatory lending laws proven effective at preventing abusive practices and significantly weakens some protections available under the federal law today. This is a bad deal for consumers, who would be the real losers here."
North Carolina Reps. Brad Miller and Mel Watt and the ranking member on the House Financial Services Committee, Barney Frank (D-MA), have introduced a bill that prohibits abusive lending practices and ensures that everybody who can afford a home loan will get one. The Prohibit Predatory Lending Act of 2005 (H.R. 1182) is based on the North Carolina’s predatory lending statute, widely considered the model for preventing abusive lending while preserving access to credit. Miller said,
"This bill protects vulnerable consumers without cutting off credit for lower income borrowers. It’s time that all American consumers have the protection that North Carolina consumers now have."
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