Inman Blog reports that HUD will make an announcement tomorrow about reform of the Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act, or RESPA. HUD Secretary Alphonso Jackson withdrew a rule last month that would have permitted the packaging of settlement services, made the good-faith estimate disclosure form more understandable, and increased the certainty of settlement cost estimates given to consumers.
Will the word "reform" really mean "reform" this time, or will that poor, misused, and maligned word take on the tertiary meaning assigned in Capitol Hill's rewrite of the lexicon?
v. re'form v. tr. 1. To improve by alteration, correction of error, or removal of defects; put into a better form or condition.
2. a. To abolish abuse or malpractice in: reform the government. b.To put an end to (a wrong).
3. To spin the facts and otherwise conceal the true intent of the law or regulation to gain public favor (i.e. recent tort reform and bankruptcy reform legislation).
We're crossing our fingers for meaning number One or Two. But we are not holding our breath.
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