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April 10, 2009


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philippines properties

nice article.. very interactive info.. hope this will work for me.. thanks and more power to you..



I know that you have to pay for trulia. Would i have to pay to use realtown?

Ft Lauderdale Mortgage


Are these services all free or what is the approximate subscription charge?

Ryan Jones

I say if you cant beat them join..trulia is a beast in this market. Thanks for the great handout.

Tom Themelis

Great article, I am hoping that I might implement this I work in the seattle home mortgage area.

David Baker

I found this call useful and informative...I am pretty new to the web marketing arena - thank you for the step-by-step approach. I will report with results!

Joe Feinhandler

Thanks for the info. It seems like so much to keep up with. My work flow is on a constant evolution.

Hovig Khatchadourian

Thank you for the info. Great article specially for those of us who are new to all these technologies

Jeff Cook

Great info - can't wait to get my voice heard too! Thanks so much!


I like the article. I post my blogs from my site onto Trulia from time to time, but it doesn't seem to generate any traffic.

-Matt San Clemente Mortgage


Thanks for sharing, I love reading you should post more often..


I just wish all of them are for free.

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I'm just getting into blogging and came across this blog. Great info.. Looking forward to your next post!

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It was long ago since I visit your blog and its mhe again, visiting and reading along..

Deirdre G

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All I can say is wow. That is a lot of information. I wonder how long it took to come with an article that long and how long you have been pondering on the ideas express here. Thanks.

Paula M

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Thanks for the content. Nice video. Definitely a worth reading article for all the real estate bloggers.

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Blogging is growing all over the world. thanks for the valuable links shared. Keep posting and do stay in touch.

Darrell Walters

Thanks for the insight. I am involved in Active Rain but haven't tried those other sites.

Darrell Walters, Integrity Mortgage Funding, Newnan mortgage

Poplar Bluff Real Estate

I'm planning on getting my real estate agents license in the next few weeks. I've heard that Century 21 and some other companies have their own courses. Is it better to attend their course or just a regular local real estate school. Also what companies are good for new agents.

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Excellent and insightful post. Great info, thank you very much for sharing!

Kuba Jewgieniew

Great , I believe people should learn a lot from this website its really user friendly.

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