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April 05, 2008


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Ron Park

Good luck on your new Tucson website. Would definitely love to be checking it out when it's ready and up to full speed.



Your foreclosure site is very smart. It seems as if once you had the basic infrastructure in place it would scale, right? Couldn't you do it throughout Arizona or even take it regional or national?

Good luck with the idea.

wayne helmore

Good post! I agree with you, I hope this helps to bring some awareness to other people who trade on impulse rather then with a plan. I have written plenty of articles on why investing based on emotion alone does NOT lead to good things..
Visit At:Lease extension

Micah Castro

Good luck on your website! If you're curious about what you can do for Tucson internet marketing check out this article. aclick here

Micah Castro

We work one-on-one with Tucson business' and help them to market their websites. A blog is a great start. If you had any questions you should check out our blog or the link for my name. We do posts with tips on internet marketing every so often. Good luck!

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