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November 25, 2007


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Bernice Ross

Dear Fran,

What a magnificent acknowledgement--you are a gift in our lives and we are grateful for your presence. Making a list of 100 people to whom you are grateful is a magnificent way to celebrate the holidays. Thank you for the reminder to remember what matters at this time of year.

Happy Holidays! Warmly Bernice

Joeann Fossland

Wow! I love a gal that takes on a challenge! This is a great list and I am grateful for your friendship, your bread, your soups, your clams and your Blogging!!!


Fran - what a magnificent list! There is much to be thankful for - all we need to do is look within and around.:)

Linda Licata

From me and all of those who love you dearly, thanks for the memories and the "jog" to our memories- so many warm feelings are made present by your words!

buy arginine

Is there anymore gratitude reasons? :-)


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Frances Flynn Thorsen

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