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April 03, 2007


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Saw an episode of this.

The insanity of a realtor driving a buyer around in a $175,000 Bentley Continental, another buyer making an above-asking offer using 100% financing, and multiple offers on a crapbox located in an industrial zone, encapsulated the insanity that was the real estate bubble.

Thankfully those days are over.

Karen Mason

There is a new show this weekend call Bought and Sold. Funny have the cable shows have all changed from "flip this" "flip that" etc.


Nice video. We regularly put trends on our realty blog - do visit when you have time.


We got a site through real estate website design and we are now doing SEO. Are there any good article submission companies that someone can recommend? Please help.
Thank you


That's a real good idea for a show. I think the ad agency TVSellsRealEstate.com is making the ads for the network. They produce very high quality TV ads for free if you purchase one of their cheap targeted air time packages.

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Frances Flynn Thorsen

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