Imagine my surprise ... I have lived for 54 years, borne two sons, traveled extensively throughout the U.S. and Europe and had nary a clue that I was still a social networking virgin. Last month Tim Fears (left), an inspired cyber cherub at Internet Crusade showed me how to DIGG. My life will never be the same.
I am getting more viral by the hour, starting with the Web Women Giving Circle and our mission to raise some money for CARE in the real estate community. My first project with this genre marketing is to showcase Point 2 Agent, a web marketing company for real estate agents that is making a powerful contribution to the philanthropic efforts of the WWGC.
So, join me on a social networking rant, a regular cyber primal scream, and let's DIGG IT , mmmmmm, Delicious, move over to Netscape and then register at Stumbleupon and Lookmarks and Yahoo My Web and add our URL with a "Thumbs Up".
Deep breath. Count to seven. OK.
Register at Reddit and leave a comment at our post. Clink on the link at Newsvine, register, and VOTE! When you get to Blinklist, sign in and search for "giving circle". I couldn't figure out how to VOTE at Blinklist. Can anyone help? Tim, where are you, Internet Angel?
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