Booby-trapped online by a REALTOR....betcha the DOJ won't like that! Scanning my web stats this morning I noticed that I had a visitor from the U.S. Dept. of Justice. That came as no surprise since the DOJ is here regularly. What was interesting this time is that they were visiting The Fat Lady Blog and landed there via a Google search for Boobs!!!
"Domain Name ? (United States Government) IP Address 149.101.1.# (US Dept of Justice) ISP US Dept of Justice...Time of Visit May 5 2006 11:17:42 am ...Referring URL Search Engine Search Words boobs Visit Entry Page http://therealtygram...fatladyblog/2005/07/"
That's our taxpayer dollars at work! I wonder if they're doing their real estate research between boobs? Nobody can say the DOJ doesn't have its share of boobs!
You can tell the DOJ found the entry found by Googling "Boobs"? I assumed it was the words "Terror Threat" in your "Plus Size Blogger's Boobs Invite Terror Threat Mishap" that lured them to your blog. Maybe a female DOJ agent with similiar concerns..."
Thanks for the laugh.
Posted by: Maureen | May 07, 2006 at 02:42 PM
As I also track visitors, it's interesting to see that FHA and HUD and several other Washington government branches (IRS) have visited my blog.
Wondering what caught their attention, unless they're planning on moving to Naperville!
Posted by: Eileen Landau | May 08, 2006 at 06:29 AM
aw fran....there's a lot worse things that you could have been associated with.... at least 'boobs' are something that most people dig on one level or another...
good to see you around! when are we getting the blog squad goin again?
Posted by: justiNYC | May 08, 2006 at 07:35 PM