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December 11, 2005


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Great pics, Fran! Hope you & Ralf have a wonderful holiday...stay warm.

Kathy Glagola

Fran, Great photos. You have captured the architectural uniqueness of many of the historic homes in Bethlehem. Continued good hunting and thanks for showcasing our truely beautiful city!

C Ferroggiaro

wonderful collection.

Tunay Köksal

great photos.


Re: the 2nd last photo (the gold colored house). I walk past this lovely home to and from work daily; never have I ever seen anything lovlier. It always makes me smile to look at it in any season. I think that design came straight from the Great Architect Himself because no artist has ever painted a prettier picture.

raymond james petrij

HELLO -- I WOULD LIKE TO BLOG WITH PEOPLE ABOUT WHAT IS GOING ON AROUND THE CITY OF BETHLEHEM.. I LOVE LIVING IN BETHLEHEM AND THE HISTORIC SMALL CITY ATMOSPHERE.. I was born in bethlehem , moved to oklahomaqa in mid 40s and moved back in 1961 to work at beth steel.
i love downtown bethlehem and sit on the benches and think what it was like in the old days.. just read in the paper what they want to do with sand island,, very nice idea.. i just hop they dont take away the peacefulness and quiet down there.. that is another place i go sit aand think and read.. often thought the river would be a nice place for a beach and sand,, but not at sand island.. would like to see more benches along the path.. neat quiet place down there,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, jim petri

jim petri

jim petri again -- just reading about the green walkway in south bethlehem... will be a nice idea.. again for peace and quiet.. have to be careful and keep the riff raft away

ramond j petri

yhoo hoo --- jim petri again 4/8/10 -- 1238pm

house for sale Philippines

Nice photos, It keeps reminding me my last last white Christmas in LA.


homes for sale omaha ne

What a great photos ! I like all the Christmas photos which you posted here. We always decorates our home on the Christmas festival. We decorates our home with lights, Christmas tree, lamps, balloons, ribbons and many more items.

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Frances Flynn Thorsen

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