A tiny park in Southside Bethlehem, PA, was the site of a Peace Vigil last night that supported the efforts of Cindy Sheehan, a mother whose son lost his life in Iraq. Cindy is in Crawford, Texas, and she wants to speak with President Bush about the war. So far he has refused. It doesn't seem to work for his political agenda. There is a slide show here with more images of the event in Bethlehem. The Bethlehem event was organized by Diane Petro.
Thanks for posting the images to Bethlehem's Peace Vigil. Who's that mom for peace in the Yale t-shirt?
For anyone wondering what this subject has to do with real estate, the open ended nature of blogs is a good place to explore the home in all of it's dimensions -- inner home, outer home, financial home, digital home, spiritual home, eternal home, and in this case global home -- not just the outer home where real estate agents spend most of their time.
To see what a down home act of courage looks like in Crawford, TX, visit this blog and be sure to watch some of the moving video reports from Camp Casey:
Posted by: Bill Wendel | August 19, 2005 at 06:03 AM
With regards to Cindy Sheehan; President Bush DID meet with her. Additionally, her son Casey Volunteered for the mission twice. His loss is regretable yet he went in full well knowing what the risks are.
According to Ms. Sheehan America is not worth dying for, we are in Iraq for Israel, calling our federal troops in Louisana "Occupation Troops", George Bush is a terrorist. Quite frankly, she is becoming quite tiresome and any sympathy I felt for her loss is rapidly dissapating. There a many people that have lost loved ones in support of this war.
Neal Adler, GRI, e-PRO, ABR
Associate Manager
California Association of Realtors Director Region 18
Posted by: Neal Adler | October 02, 2005 at 01:12 PM