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July 08, 2005


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EXCUSE ME! That's my president, he's no crook and I resent those comments.

NOTE FROM FRAN: He's my President also (see, I even capitalize the title in respect for that office). I am sad that this country faces such moral, ethical, and constitutional morass in the high levels of government. I am afraid that the matter speaks for itself.


You said "He's my President also (see, I even capitalize the title in respect for that office). I am sad that this country faces such moral, ethical, and constitutional morass in the high levels of government. I am afraid that the matter speaks for itself. "

I'm wondering Frances, were you as concerned about the "moral, ethical and constitutional morass in the high levels of government" from 1992 thru 2000?

NOTE FROM FRAN: Jim, My concern about problems in the government, all types of problems, goes back to dates much earlier than 1992. Certainly, there have been struggles in government for many years. However, we now have an administration that puts hundreds of thousands of American lives at risk in a war that was clearly waged under false pretenses. Hundreds of thousand of Iraqis are dead; we have created a fertile breeding ground for terrorists in the Middle East; and we have a large population that is willing to accept spoon-fed pablum hyperbole and regurgitate the twisted puffery back to the rest of us.

You say that you "resent my comments". I resent that a government that puts our young Americans at risk in an unjust war. I resent that this goverment twists the entries in the lexicon and uses words like "reform" and "responsible" to title legislation that ignores social responsibility and restrict constitutional protections.


Fran, you should keep partisan politics out of a real estate blog. I'm sorry to say that you just lost a reader.

Frances Flynn Thorsen

A blog is not a newspaper or a news service that is supposed to be neutral. I subscribe to the "Professional" HonorTag system which says:

"I hold myself to high standards of: Advocacy. Honesty. Integrity. Expertise. Loyalty."

Advocacy: I am not neutral, and am proud of it.
Honesty: I tell the truth.
Expertise: I've done my homework.
Loyalty: My employer or cause comes above all but integrity.
Amplification: I am an employee of (or am otherwise paid by) an entity with an interest in what I produce. I may or may not be involved with PR or marketing, but I am loyal to my employer and hold myself to the highest standards of integrity."

I am self employed and the current state of affairs in this country compels me to speak out on issues that are important. This is the fundamental reason that I blog.

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Frances Flynn Thorsen

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