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June 07, 2005


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Odd that during Republican administrations, homelessness articles abound. But during a Democrat's stewardship, nary a peep. Hmmm.

Frances Flynn Thorsen

What's odder is that during this administration all of the online statistical resources regarding homelessness have been deactivated at Health & Human Services AND HUD. Do this: Google the topic and click on those HHS links...they're all dead!

All other qualified sources of information point to a marked increase in homelessness, and a Secretary of HUD is flatly denying it. Considering the behaviour of the administration, it's probably not that odd, after all.

Where do homeless articles abound? There was a group of real estate editors from all across the nation who met last week, and nary a one had anything to offer on the subject that I could find after Googling my brains out.

During Clinton's term there was actually a lot of outreach, especially in NYC, thanks to Mayor Giuliani, who made an unprecendented commitment to the homeless.

Martha Bridegam

A good resource apart from the NLCHP is the National Low Income Housing Coalition.

The San Francisco Chronicle has covered homelessness in significant detail -- though often treating homelessness as an individual behavior problem rather than a symptom of the impersonally overpriced local housing market. This search should bring out some of the recent coverage.

The Chronicle's searchable online archive goes back to 1995 so it should be possible to read the paper's homelessness coverage from the latter years of the Clinton Administration.

Martha Bridegam

I've been looking up HHS sites on homelessness.

The report, "Homelessness: Programs and the People they Serve," is still available linked from this HHS site, as are several other reports giving statistics about homelessness as of the late Clinton Administration. The January 2000 report titled "America's Homeless II" is no longer at HHS, but HHS suggests searching at the Urban Institute and the report is available there.

At a quick glance the HHS "Home Page on Homelessness" does not otherwise seem to have much data for the years since 2000 but I don't see dead links either.

What Google search are you using?

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Frances Flynn Thorsen

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