The moderator of a 13,000-member real estate list serv told subscribers last night that it will no longer post messages relating to gay issues in the real estate community. "...If anyone else wants to post one more time on the subject, feel free...but after tomorrow, I think we need to give it a rest for awhile. There is plenty we can find to talk about," said Saul Klein to RealTalk list serv members last night. Klein's post followed a week of impassioned posts about gay rights and associated issues. Klein is president of InternetCrusade, the e-PRO creator, author and instructor, and a partner in Real Estate Electronic Publishing Co.
The week-long discussion thread about gay issues began as an energetic fair housing exchange, generated heated posts about "protected classes" and drew impassioned responses from both gay-friendly and gay-unfriendly REALTORS®. Most of the responses, in fact, were highly supportive of individual rights across the board. It seems that the repetetive use of the "G" word inflamed some of the subscribers, who likened the discussion to a frank talk about sex and called for a cessation to the topic altogether. Here are excerpts from some of those posts:
The New Mexico legislature amended the Human Rights Act, making it unlawful to discriminate in New Mexico based on sexual orientation or gender identity...California has added marital status, sexual orientation, age, ancestry, and source of income, while other states have added military status, Section 8 and other groups. Some cities have added their own classes, such as the recent inclusion of "size" in San Francisco. ..The point is that no one should be hindered because of who or what they are. "Fair Housing" means without regard to...who they are, period. What language they speak, who they sleep with, which God they worship, the color of their skin...none of these should affect anyone's free right to housing. ...Why all this attention to the 'protected classes', if we use the GOLDEN RULE? It is easier to be deaf, dumb and blind to differences if we just use the 'RULE', IMHO....Here in good ole Massachusetts it is a protected fact with same sex marriage being legal, we are seeing a boom in the number of new gay and lesbian couples from all over the US buying homes in Western MA...First of all, it's sexual orientation, not sexual "preference." Think about it...Secondly, at the present time the federal government does not consider gays to be a protected group. Heck, the federal government openly discriminates against gays. Gays are only protected by some local jurisdictions. ...I've never had anyone say to me "we're gay, you know" or words to that effect and I've certainly NEVER asked anyone if they are gay. I would think those kinds of questions would be impolite...When I'm selling real estate brokerage services-- working the real estate transaction cycle-- I ask questions about real estate needs not what people do when they're naked....Well, I advertise that I am "GLBT friendly" on my site and in gay-oriented directories. Those in the know, know what I mean. Because they know this, they are very open with me from the get go. That's usually why they chose me ...I have friends, colleagues, neighbors who are gay.. .SO WHAT? I don't have to be gay, or justify that I'm not , to support EQUAL treatment for all human beings...If it's actually recognized anywhere as such, sexual preference is not a "protected class" in the majority of the United States, is not yet recognized in the eyes of NAR, and thank the Lord, I doubt God will EVER accept's [disappointingly] an option to engage in a sexual relationship with a partner of the same sex. ...I find it embarrassing that NAR and the federal government does not recognize sexual orientation as a protected class....MINNESOTA LAW includes the protection from discrimination of individuals because of age, source of income, martial status and sexual preference. Individuals believing they have been discriminated against may seek relief through the Minnesota Human Rights Commission, HUD and the Attorney Generals Office. ...This thread is becoming offensive and is certainly out of context for the venue. I literally cringed when I read some of these posts. It has gone from discussing protected classes in different areas to judgment, religious preaching etc. I invite those who made posts about GOD and gays reread what you wrote, to even make the statements made you have passed and professed judgment which, from my understanding of Christian based religions is to be left to GOD. Let's get back to real estate discussions."
Most of the posts sound like legitimate real estate discussion to me.