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June 30, 2005


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Great Idea! I may do it, time permitting.


we'd be game. keep us posted.


I have not made my final plans yet to attend. I love the idea. I will keep you posted. I just relocated and guess what.... I bought another place on the Indian River and I am moving again!! So I need to see how crazy this summer is going to be.

John Mudd

I don't typically do conventions, especially when the market is this hot. when it's this hot I do sales. There's not much time for anything else.

Martha Bridegam

I work on the weblog for housingfinance.com, which specializes in multifamily housing, hence probably won't be covering NAR in detail -- but pls keep me posted if there are sessions on multifamily and/or affordable/subsidized housing.

Kevin Kingston

Sounds Exciting!

Jean Gibson

You are getting me so excited about the blogging event, I am ready to come. Also willing to work. Keep up the good work!
Canadians are welcome I hope!

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Frances Flynn Thorsen

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