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April 26, 2005


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You go girl!


I personally know a few and it angers me. If I knew who to report them to I'd seriously think aobut doing it. If they want the property so badly why not wait to see if it comes up as all bidders then make an offer. Buyers with limited funds should be given the first opportunity.

Note from Frances Flynn Thorsen: Report them to HUD as well as to the Broad Listing Broker. That broker should have a compliance officer.


A person buying a HUD home can have bad credit and need a loan from the FHA, which normally has lower interest rates as well. Applying for a home loan is still necessary when buying a HUD home, unless you have enough cash to buy the house up front. Buying a house from the department of housing and urban development, or HUD, can be a good way to get into your first home. To encourage the low to moderate income makers to purchase homes the government has created a program to make home ownership possible. The FHA appraisal process will note property deficiencies that are readily observable and how they can help with repairing cost. Distressed properties are not always HUD homes, but a lot of times things happen to homes that are foreclosed , because the owner is upset about losing their property.

Jules Carney

"Wow", it is so nice when someone break such a hard topic to understand very easily. I am very glad to see you here again.

Done a brilliant job and Best of luck for your upcoming one!


home sales scandal?Why.Sorry, i don't know do you say.Iam From indonesian.And iam active for sale and purchasing in the internet.

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