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April 28, 2005


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Robert Creek

And thank you very much for your free-flow of information! Your efforts with with TheREALTYgram stemming from an intolerance of censorship are highly commendable.

C.S. Lewis once wrote, accurately, that "the most dangerous ideas in a society are not the ones that are being argued, but the ones that are assumed."

Based on your story, the LVAR and its [past] president are classic examples of how people self-incriminate themselves by showing that they can't handle the truth getting out. If they really had faith in the side on which they stand, they would combat opposing views it in the public arena for all to see.

Carol Williams

A free flow of information? What a great concept. I belong to a small association that has, historically, been very "good old boy" network. A few years ago I was the agent representative on the Board Of Directors and called more than once by the EO about my dissemination of information to the membership without approval from the Board. Can you imagine being discouraged from sharing information with the very people I am there to represent? Shortly after that I resigned, determined to carry on my own rebel ways without interference. I am moral, ethical and very professional in my business. Let's keep the free flow flowing! Thanks, Carol

Carol Williams

Oops... I forgot part of my URL on the last post. I linked you to another sight. Darn it. Anyway, keep up the good work on the free flow of information. Carol

hanan levin

Congratulations on a 1/4 year anniversary. Your blog is coming along nicely, and is full of good writings & approach.

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Frances Flynn Thorsen

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