Thanks to Behind The Mortgage for this little tidbit of investigative real estate reporting: In Cincinnati a couple is suing their home builder, NVR, Inc. (doing business as Ryan Homes), for
"allowing workers to habitually urinate within the home while it was under construction. Said habits were sufficiently pervasive to generate pools of urine within a linen closet never conceived to house a toilet,"
Though the fact that the "habitual urination" did occur is not disputed, the builder refuses to release the buyers from their purchase contract.
We are told that these hygiene lapses are quite common. Site foreman often share stories about various "gifts" they've found in bathtubs, sinks, and all manner of places in under-construction homes.
This blog posting is great. Your views are very true. Everyone should start thinking as you are doing.
Andrea Jasperson
Posted by: Andrea Jasperson | February 07, 2006 at 11:15 AM