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March 13, 2005


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Laser Haas

the Reform Act of 2005 has hidden buried treasures that will take Fraud to a whole new level.
The Act repeals the disclosure requirements of Investment Banks..
that combined with the perversions of "special counsel" defeats the Code endeavors of arms length, good faith..

In re: eToys 01-706 and the Opinion precedental of Oct 4 2005

Laser Haas

The FBI yells at me to stop whistleblowing to the DOJ and US Attorney office about Fraud and corruption.

The laws that apply to us, the common man, do not apply to attorney's, trustee's, judges or billionairs such as Romney.

The Bankruptcy Code is complex in comprehending all facets, yet it is very simple, it breaks things down to minute details so that there can be no ambiquity.

The Code of 18 USC 3057(a) as well as the Judicial Canon instruct a Judge that if they find an attorney to be guilty of non disclosure, to refer such to the US Attorney's office. It does not give a Judge "ad hoc" (at their choice) decision making authority. The Laws and Canon's state, if an attorney is guilty of perjury you MUST remit to the US DOJ Attorney's office.

So does the US Trustee Guideline/Handbook website, along with 28 USC 586(a)(3)(F).

These laws are so clear, that it states, even if someone else alleges Fraud and you (Judge or Trustee) do not agree you must send a Memo of the Facts, a memo of Declination and see if the US Attorney agree's.

We have proven, by testimony, in the public record, over 100 felony, perjury, false oath, false declarations and conspiracies in eToys, KB Toys and Stage Stores.

Yet the FBI yells at me, because the Judge, Trustee say I am angry about the money they are keeping of mine.

So I say to them, if you are writing a check in a bank, bank robbers come in, I cannot say, stop Thief, stop Robbers, because my money is in the bank.

They say that is different because the robbers use guns.

The Attorney's can get away with it because they use the power & influence of their friends of the Court

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