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March 10, 2005


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Diana, Allentown, PA

I just came across your link. I have lived in the Lehigh Valley since 1989. We moved due to the lower housing costs. I originally bought an 1100 square foot house in the Alton Park section of Allentown which is about 2 minutes away fro the Lehigh St exit of I-78. The house had radiant heat in the floors, a woodburning fireplace, 3 bedrooms and a large lot with a side patio and built in charcoal grille. It is near a mall and lots o other shopping. About 6 years ago I moved to a twin in the historic district of West Park. It has almost 2800 square feet of living space, a full basement and a finished attic. It was built in 1915 and has harwood floors, great woodwork, wainscotting, plate rail and boxed beaed ceilings in the dining room. None of the woodwork is painted which is what attracted us to this house. It has stained glass windows and a built in bench in the entry/living room. We did have to replace some dropped ceilings and are currently working on the main bathroom-there are 2 other bathrooms, one with just a toilet and one on the thrid floor with a shower, sink and toilet that we just re-did.
The downtown area is currently in the midst of a renovation that hopefully will bring a little more culture and vibrancy to an area with too many sports bars. The park system is great. West Park is a city park that is also an arboreatum with a fountain and a bandshell where there are concerts during the summer-not music to my taste, but a least it draws people to the park. The bes real estate link is http://www.lvarmls.com/.
It covers the entire Lehigh Valley. It's definiely worth a trip. There are at least 2 house tours-one of the Old Allentown Historic District in the Fall and one in West Park in June, but if you can't wait until then, check out the open house listings every week on the Lehigh Valley Association of Reaoltors website. The only thing we're missing out here is a good Italian bakery and some counter culture.

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