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March 29, 2005


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When a person is in foreclosure, they are under stress and are probably frightened and worried. They are not sure what they should do to handle their problem. When someone stops paying on their mortgage, they have already stopped paying on all of their other debts. These other debts usually include credit cards and personal loans; the mortgage is always the last thing they stop paying.


The people who are in foreclosure will probably be frightened and worried as they don't know what to do, and don't want to loose their property. So at that moment they may tend to commit some frauds only to over come foreclosure.


The people who are undergoing foreclosure will be very frustrated as they are loosing their hard earned property, so in order to avoid it they may tend to commit some fraud.

kantoor te huur

I find it a great work. Thanks, I hope to see better reports in the future.

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