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March 07, 2005


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Jon Carpenter

Well maybe it's a sign that brokers and realtors are getting desperate... I mean, I have nothing against realtors and I believe their profession will always be needed for complex transactions or for people who have enough money to hire them... But the thing is realtors are fighting for their very survival. Or at least the survival of their fat paychecks. What they do not realize is that technology has changed a lot of things and, more or less, has broken their monopoly. Now people can cut out the middlemen and make substantial savings.
Sites like http://www.cytadia.us are the future because they empower people by 1) giving them more freedom and 2) connecting them to a large audience of potential buyers.

Frances Flynn Thorsen

I don't think there is any "desperation" among REALTORS or the general public. Here are some real numbers to work with (based upon a 2004 study by NAR):

* About 80 percent of sellers used real estate agents.
* 38 percent chose agents referred by a friend, neighbor or relative.
* 31 percent used an agent they had used previously.
* 54 percent said reputation was the most important factor.
* 19 percent said knowledge of neighborhood.
* 82 percent said they would likely use the same agent again.
--Frances Flynn Thorsen

David Cook

Mr. Jon Carpenter,

According to the National Association of Realtors, nearly two-thirds of the people surveyed who sell their own homes say they wouldn't do it again themselves. My own brother who lives in another state tried to sell his own home. He like so many others thought it would be a piece of cake. That was until he got sued for not understanding the disclosure laws. The primary reasons others gave included setting a price, marketing handicaps, liability concerns, and time constraints. When deciding upon a Realtor(r), consider interviewing two to three. Be wary of those that quote too high or too low. If you decide to sell on your own, I like a lot of Realtors(r) will help you with some of the paperwork including the contracts. We are available should a problem arise.


Is there a Blog for Real Estate Investors in the L.V.?
I know there is a DIG group that meets at Starlite Diner
on 2nd WEDS of mo. at 6:30. Are there any other clubs?

Charlie: I am not aware of any other real estate blogs in the Lehigh Valley or any investment clubs. There will be an interesting Landlord gathering and educational seminar sponsored by HUD in a couple of months. I'll have a post in the blog.--Fran


Well use a flat fee realtor because the do not come to your house its a cheaper realtor with cheap mls no fights lol


is a popular one go ahead dont have a realtor


"How not to solicit a listing".


Sell my house

ouch! that sounds painful... :(


Oh my gosh! What is it these days. Why can't we call just get along? I know that FSBO sellers are upseting the apple cart but time marches on and everyone just have to acccept their lot in life. The whels of progress...

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Frances Flynn Thorsen

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